The despairing cry of a confused sinner is “I don’t even know why I was born!”  Pessimistic depression of that kind is not uncommon in a sinful world.  Job’s question was “Why did I not die at birth?”  Job’s physical and emotional suffering was the consequence of sin.  We live in a world that loves contention, conflict, and controversy.  Hostility is a mark of the sinful human race. 

What should Christians do?  Cry out to God for relief!  “In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He heard me” (Psalm 120:1)  The Psalmist lived among unbelievers in Mesheck and Kedar.  They were liars and fighters.  They were hostile to truth and peace.  Unbelievers despise God and love themselves. 

Believers are strangers in this world.  The Psalmist rightly said “I am a stranger in the earth” (Psalm 119:19).  While you are busy defending yourself against the scandalous, pejorative, belittling language of the unbeliever, you are distracted from worship to the true and living God.

When unbelievers surround you with all the lies, persecution, violence and suffering that this sinful world loves, you will find peace and solace with God.  Pray a prayer for relief.  God has already provided means for relief in private, family and collective covenant worship.

When God’s people gather to worship there should be a sense of excitement and joy.  God’s truth should fill your soul and soothe your mind.  Your emotions should be intensified by the special presence of God.  True Christian worship is a unique experience that typologically builds a bridge from the worshipper to the metaphysical dimension of reality.  It is called worship in “spirit and truth.  Karl Barth was a liberal theologian, but he made an astute observation.  “Christian worship is the most momentous, the most urgent, the most glorious action that can take place in human life” so said Karl Barth.  When you say, “woe is me that I live among unbelievers” immediately anticipate your trip to join the assembly of God’s people in true worship.